Our Mission

  • Provide excellent travel consulting helping you match your travel goals and expectations to your budget

  • Find and curate the best hotel, tour, activities, options for each price range; thus simplifying the booking process.

  • Showcase destinations and educate travelers, so that they can discover new places and gain insight as to what makes these places worth visiting. 

How did I get here?

Lets say that part of me has always been here, I was born in Prato, a charming city 20km outside Florence. Shortly after, my parents moved Puerto Rico, where I was raised.

My upbringing was very multicultural, I spoke Spanish in school, watched American TV and sports, and spoke Italian at home. On weekdays we would eat mostly Italian food, and watch the Italian evening news, while weekends consisted of calling family accross the pond and watching Italian football with my dad. Through family, I maintained a strong connection to Italian culture, food and language; knowing one day I would return to live there.

After university in Rhode Island, I returned to Puerto Rico, working with a local soccer team until 2018. When, following the aftermath of hurricane Maria, I decided it was right time to move to Italy, drawn by family, heritage, and unforeseen opportunities.

I moved in with my uncle on the outskirts of Florence, thanks to my language skills I quickly found work in the travel industry, securing a role with a local tour operator. It was a tough job, long and uncomfortable hours, for not great pay, however it in there that the idea for Curioso Travel began.

I realized that for many travellers booking their trip and activities was a guessing game, with so many options online. Travelers were often confused about what exactly they had purchased, where they were going, and even why it was worth visiting in the first place. I saw an oportunity to provide a better service, curating the best partners for activities, experiences, accomodations, guides, transportation alternatives and everything else a traveler might need to plan the perfect vacation.